How to filter & sort business proposals in Bookipi
Learn how to filter proposals with Bookipi Proposals with 2 simple steps.
Steps to filter proposals
Step 1: Select Proposals
Step 2: Filter your proposals by customer or status.
Select the drop-down that you wish to sort by.

Sort by status
There are 10 status types that you can choose from:
All status: View all your proposals in one go.
Draft: Proposals that have been created and “save and continue” have been selected at any point of the creation process.
Saved: Proposals that are finalised but have not been sent to the customer
Sent: Proposals that are finalised and emailed to the customer
Read: Proposals that have been read by the customer
Accepted: Proposals that have been accepted by the customer
Declined: Proposals that have been declined and marked as declined on the proposal
Completed: Proposals that have been marked as completed
Terminated: Accepted proposals that have been terminated
Unsuccessful: Indicated by a red dot next to the amount figure. This indicator shows that an automated payment for a proposal hasn’t been successful
The numbers next to the status indicate the number of proposals currently on this status.

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