Lease Agreement
A lease agreement is a legal contract between a lessor (the owner of an asset) and a lessee (the individual or business leasing the asset) that outlines the terms and conditions of the lease arrangement. Learn more about what should be included in a Lease Agreement here. Use Bookipi’s eSign to send any document for online signatures, on mobile or web app. Try it out!

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*Information provided on this page are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. While Bookipi strive to ensure accuracy, we make no guarantees regarding the suitability or completeness of this resource. If unsure, it is recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional before creating a template on your own.
How to create a Lease Agreement
Creating a lease agreement is an important step in formalizing the landlord-tenant relationship. Here are three simple steps to help you create a lease agreement:
Collect The Right Information:
Gather details like the names of the landlord and tenant/s, property address, monthly rent amount, and the lease term. Also, note down any extra terms like the security deposit, pet policy, and maintenance duties.
Draft The Lease:
Use an existing lease template, or seek the help of a legal professional who can help you draft one. Clearly state terms such as start and end dates, rent due dates, and penalties for late payment or ending the lease early.
Review and Sign:
Double-check the lease for accuracy and make any necessary revisions before having both the landlord and tenant sign the lease agreement. It is recommended to maintain a copy of the signed lease agreement for future reference.
Following these steps ensures a thorough lease agreement that protects both parties’ interests.

What is a Lease Agreement
A lease agreement is a legal contract between an asset owner (lessor) and a person or business leasing the asset (lessee). It details the lease’s duration, monthly rent, fees, and each party’s rights and duties. By signing a lease agreement, both the lessor and lessee are legally bound to uphold the terms of the contract for the specified period of time. Hence, it’s crucial to understand and agree on the terms before signing the contract to ensure a hassle-free leasing experience.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Lease Agreement
What should be included in a lease agreement?
A lease agreement should include the names of the landlord and tenant, property details, lease duration, rent amount, payment schedule, and usage rules. Some agreements also cover maintenance responsibilities, utilities, pet policies, and parking arrangements.
How long are lease agreements?
Residential leases typically run for a year. Commercial leases can vary widely, often spanning several years to provide security for businesses.
Can you change a lease agreement?
Yes, changes require mutual consent and written documentation. Alterations are often made through lease amendments or addendums, outlining the modified terms.
What if a lease agreement is broken?
Breaching a lease may lead to penalties, eviction, or legal action. Landlords might seek damages or demand unpaid rent, while tenants may forfeit security deposits or face court orders.
Consider using eSign for lease agreements to ensure that all parties will have a copy of the document for reference while maintaining an unmodified backup online. Try eSign out for free!
Can you negotiate lease agreements?
Yes, negotiations are common, especially in commercial leasing. Parties may discuss rent adjustments, lease duration, property improvements, or clauses related to subletting or lease termination. Ideally, both parties should thoroughly review and understand the terms of the lease agreement before signing.