How to request payment for deposit on invoices

How to request a deposit on an invoice

Learn how to request deposit payment from customers and make a deposit invoice on Bookipi Invoice web app v2 with our simple user guide below. 

Steps to request a deposit on invoices

Step 1: Set your Country in 'Business Settings'

Make sure that your Country in Business Settings section is set to your preferred country. To accept card payments, your selected country must be listed on the available countries from Stripe. 

If you have already done this, please move on to Step 2.

Set your Country in Business Settings:

a) Click on your Business icon in the top right

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b) Select Business

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c) Make sure that the Country is shown in Business Settings. If it hasn’t been added, select ‘Edit‘ and add your country.

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Step 2: Make a new invoice

Select ‘+Create

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Next, select ‘+ Invoice

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Step 3: Enter deposit information on the invoice

Select ‘Request a deposit

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Step 4: Enter a Percentage or amount for the deposit on your invoice

Customize the due date of the deposit and click ‘Save’.

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Step 5: Select 'Save'

Select ‘Save‘ to save changes to your deposit amount.

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Step 6: Review your deposit invoice

Review the invoice and select ‘Send

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Step 7: Review your email requesting the deposit

Review the email and press ‘Send

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Your customer will receive an email requesting deposit payment similar to this:


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Step 8:  Your customers can pay the deposit amount via credit card

Customers can either select the ‘Pay in full’ checkbox or only pay the deposit amount by keeping the checkbox unticked. Your customers can pay by credit card online when you enable card payments.  

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