Free Contract Templates for Legal & Business Agreements

A contract template is a pre-written document that outlines the key terms of an agreement between two or more parties. It serves as a starting point, allowing you to customize it with your specific details.

Save time and hassle with our free, downloadable business contract templates! View all our templates here.

Enhanced security

Our robust security measures ensure your documents are accessible only by you and your intended recipients.

Improved accessibility

Sign or request for digital signatures from anywhere, anytime. Get digital signing on mobile devices or desktop.

Effortless collaboration

Multiple parties can sign a document concurrently with our digital signatures.

What is a contract template?

A contract template is a pre-written document that outlines the key terms of an agreement between two or more parties. It serves as a starting point, allowing you to customize it with your specific details.

Best practices when using contract and agreement templates

Clarity is key

Ensure the contract is clear, concise, and easy to understand for all parties involved.

Accessibility matters

Make the contract readily available online for easy access by everyone who needs to sign.

Plan ahead

Send the contract to signers well in advance, allowing plenty of time for review and signature.

Set deadlines

Establish a clear deadline for signatures to ensure everything is completed on time.

Provide copies

Once signed, provide each party with a copy of the completed contract for their records.

Why use free contract templates?


Contract templates allow you to fully tailor the content to your specific needs. It also means you can add your information and the details of the signees. You can customize every part of the contract, from the terms and conditions to the formatting, making sure it reflects your needs.


Easily print out the customized contract agreements or conveniently send them via email to whoever needs them. You can also distribute contracts to multiple recipients, saving you from having to send them individually.


Say goodbye to the hassle of printing, signing, and scanning contracts — our simple eSign platform streamlines the entire process, allowing you to send and collect signatures electronically. You can access our eSign app on both mobile and desktop. 

*Information provided on this page are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. While Bookipi strive to ensure accuracy, we make no guarantees regarding the suitability or completeness of this resource. If unsure, it is recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional before creating a template on your own.

Bookipi offers a wide variety of free contract templates to cover your business needs

Purchase Order Form

A purchase order form is a document used in accounting to request and authorize the purchase of goods or services from a vendor. Learn more here.

Sales Agreement

A sales agreement is a legal document used in business transactions to outline the terms and conditions of a sale between a buyer and seller. Find out more information about sales agreements here.

Service-Level Agreement (SLA)

A service-level agreement (SLA) is a contractual document outlining the level of service a provider will deliver to a client. Find out more about SLAs here.

Employment Contract

An employment contract is a legal agreement used in human resources to outline the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and employee. Learn more here.

Employment Offer Letter

An employment offer letter is a formal document used in human resources to extend a job offer to a candidate. Find out more about this important communication tool here.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

A Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a legal document used to protect confidential information shared between parties. To discover more about NDAs, click here.

Confidentiality Agreement

A confidentiality agreement is a legal document used to protect sensitive information shared between parties from being disclosed to unauthorized individuals. Learn more here.

Partnership Agreement

A partnership agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership between two or more parties. Find out more about partnership agreements here.

Loan Agreement Form

A loan agreement is a legal document used to outline the terms and conditions of a loan between a lender and borrower. Explore further details about loan agreements here.

Franchise Agreement Form

A franchise agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions under which a franchisee can operate a franchised business. Find out more information about franchise agreements here.

Lease Agreement

A lease agreement is a legal contract between a lessor (the owner of an asset) and a lessee (the individual or business leasing the asset) that outlines the terms and conditions of the lease arrangement. Find out more here.

Independent Contractor Agreement

An independent contractor agreement is a legally binding document between a business and a contractor outlining the terms and conditions of their working relationship. Learn more here.

Distribution Agreement

A distribution agreement is a legal contract used in business to establish terms and conditions for the distribution of products or services by a manufacturer to a distributor. Find out more details here.

Retainer Agreement

A retainer agreement is a contract between a client and a professional service provider, such as an accountant or lawyer. Find out more here.

Release of Liability Form

A release of liability form is a document used to waive any future claims or disputes against a specific party or entity. Find out more about release of liability forms here.

*Information provided on this page are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. While Bookipi strive to ensure accuracy, we make no guarantees regarding the suitability or completeness of this resource. If unsure, it is recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional before creating a template on your own.

Bookipi eSign simplifies the entire contract management process and with multi-signers capabilities, simply:

  • Upload & sign: Upload any document, set signature fields, and send it for signatures – all in one place.
  • Real-time tracking: Get notified when documents are signed by all the relevant parties and manage everything on our free mobile and desktop app.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Contract Templates

Contract templates are ideal for any business agreement, from NDAs and service-level agreements to employment offer letters and partnerships. You should use a contract template when you need to create a legally binding agreement quickly and efficiently. Contract templates are useful in situations where:

  1. Routine Agreements: You frequently enter into similar types of agreements, such as a purchase order form, sales agreements, or employment contracts.

  2. Time-Sensitive Deals: You need to draft a contract quickly to secure a deal or agreement.

  3. Standardized Terms: The terms of the contract are straightforward and do not require extensive customization or negotiation.

  4. Cost Efficiency: You want to save on legal fees by using a pre-drafted template instead of having a contract written from scratch.

  5. Clarity and Consistency: You want to ensure consistency in the contracts you use, making sure all essential elements and clauses are included.

  6. Initial Drafting: You need a starting point for drafting a more complex agreement that will be further customized and reviewed by legal professionals.

Typically, the party who made the offer or drafted the contract signs first. This demonstrates their agreement to the terms and conditions outlined in the contract. The other party, upon receiving the signed contract, reviews it and if they agree, they sign it as well. This final signature indicates mutual consent, making the contract legally binding.

However, the signing order can change based on business practices or negotiations. A notable difference is the person signing last may have more control because they can see the signed agreement and decide if they want to agree to it. They have the final say in accepting the terms or requesting changes before signing. In saying that, both signatures are always needed to make the contract binding.

To customize a contract template, simply follow the following steps:

  1. Choose a Template: Select a contract template that best suits your needs.

  2. Review the Template: Read through the entire template to understand its structure and content. Note any sections that may need customization.

  3. Replace Placeholder Text: Identify and replace placeholder text (e.g., [Your Company Name], [Client Name]) with the specific details relevant to your contract.

  4. Modify Clauses: Edit or add clauses to reflect the specific terms and conditions of your agreement. Ensure all key elements such as payment terms, deliverables, and timelines are clearly stated.

  5. Add Specific Details: Include any other details unique to your agreement, such as deadlines, milestones, or special conditions.

  6. Consult a Legal Professional: If necessary, have a legal professional review your customized contract to ensure it complies with relevant laws and adequately protects your interests.

  7. Save and Review: Save the customized contract and review it thoroughly to check for any errors.

  8. Distribute for Signing: Share the contract with the other party for their review and signature. Ensure all relevant parties receive a copy of the signed agreement.

Consider using eSign to streamline much of the steps you’ll need to take when using a contract template. eSign allows you to send any document for online signatures that are legally-binding, distribution of signed copies and multi-signers support. You can be assured that you’ll always have access to an online backup if required. Try it now!

Yes, in most jurisdictions, digital contracts with electronic signatures are legally binding. If in doubt, consult with a legal professional for advice as local laws may differ.

Bookipi eSign allows you to sign documents online with ease. Simply upload your contract, designate signature fields, and send it to the signer. They can then review and sign the document electronically from any device.

Simplify your contract management with Bookipi eSign! Sign up for free today and experience the easiest way to get your business agreement templates signed.