How to make new document types like estimates and quotes in Bookipi mobile app

How to make other documents like estimates, quotes, purchase orders & more

Learn how to create new document types including quotes, estimates, purchase orders and more in Bookipi Invoice mobile app.

Create new document types including quotes, estimates, and more outside of the default ‘Invoice‘ document type.

Steps to make new document types in Bookipi mobile app

Step 1: Tap on the drop-down menu

This is in the top left hand corner.

Step 2: Select 'Add a new category'

You can make a new category of documents other than Invoices.

Step 3: Make a new document type

Choose from one of the categories in the list or create your own.

Step 4: Tap 'Create'

Alternatively, learn how to create new document types on Bookipi Invoice mobile app with our step-by-step video guide below.

How to use Bookipi Invoice

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