Rich Chanter: Mechanic, Small Business Owner and Bookipi Success Story

Rich Chanter - Mechanic, Small Business Owner and Bookipi Success Story

Rich Chanter used to work as a skilled mechanic for a company that didn’t treat its staff or customers well. 

It was there when he realised he had the opportunity to start his own business, be his own boss, and run things his way. 

Rich was up to the challenge and began his wheel building business, Wheel in Motion.

Plan into motion

While it may seem that focusing all your efforts in one place may be the key to success, there isn’t a manual for running a company and one size definitely does not fit all. 

For Rich, he decided to operate Wheel in Motion alongside his full-time job repairing high-speed trains.

Wheel in Motion specialises in building and repairing motorcycle wheels.

Previous clients of Rich’s, from his other job, reached out to him when he started his own business

These relationships that he put so much effort into creating helped his company build momentum and advertise for free through word-of-mouth. 

Wheel in Motion required good-quality tools and equipment to produce the quality work it is known for, which can be a costly expense for a solo business owner.

Luckily for Rich, Bookipi didn’t cost him a cent. 

He was able to use Bookipi to send estimates and invoices and accept payments easily and from anywhere.

This meant he could use his money to buy vital equipment rather than paying for accountants to do his bookkeeping.

Rich Chanter believes the best thing about starting his own business was the freedom to do the jobs right and spend time taking care of the products and customers.

Don’t give up on an idea too easily. Some things take time to work out.

Check out Wheel in Motion’s website and on Facebook!

If you loved reading Rich Chanter’s story check out some of our other business success stories. 

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