Purchase Order Form

A purchase order form is a document used in accounting to request and authorize the purchase of goods or services from a vendor. Learn how to create your own purchase order form here. Bookipi’s eSign allows you to send any document for digital signature, on mobile or web app. Try it out!

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*Information provided on this page are for informational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. While Bookipi strive to ensure accuracy, we make no guarantees regarding the suitability or completeness of this resource. If unsure, it is recommended to consult with a qualified legal professional before creating a template on your own.

How to create a
Purchase Order Form

Creating a purchase order form is an easy way to streamline your accounting processes. Here are three simple steps to create one:

Add your company’s information:

Put in your company’s name, address, and contact information. This helps the supplier identify who is placing the order.

List the products or services:

Create a table with columns for item description, quantity, unit price, and total cost. This will make it easy to itemize the products or services being purchased and calculate the total cost of the order.

Add the supplier’s information:

Include a section for the supplier’s information, such as their name, address, and contact information. This will ensure the order is sent to the correct supplier.

What is a
Purchase Order Form

A purchase order form is a document used to request and authorize the purchase of goods or services from a vendor. It includes details like the quantity, description, price, and terms for the items being bought. Not only does it serve as a record of the transaction, it’s also a handy tool to keep track of expenses.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Purchase Order Form

There are several common types of purchase orders used depending on the scenario:

  • Standard purchase order (SPO): This is the most common type of purchase order form. It’s used for routine purchases and includes a list of the items, quantities and prices.
  • Planned purchase order (PPO): This is similar to an SPO, but there is no specified delivery date. Instead, you request the items to be delivered as you need them. This ensures your inventory is always stocked without ordering everything all at once.
  • Blanket purchase order (BPO): This is an agreement to buy various items or services from a vendor over a certain time period without needing to place separate orders each time. You agree on the items and the total amount you’ll spend upfront. Then, you order what you need from this agreement until you reach the limit or the end of the agreed time. This saves time and can help you get better prices.
  • Contract purchase order (CPO): This is a formal agreement between a buyer and a vendor to buy specific goods or services under set terms and conditions. It outlines details like the price, delivery schedule, and quantity for each item or service. This type of order ensures both parties understand and agree to the terms before any purchases are made, providing a clear framework for future transactions.

Purchase order forms help businesses track expenses, manage inventory levels, and ensure accurate and timely delivery of goods or services. They also serve as legal documents in case any disputes arise. By using eSign for digital signatures, you can ensure that you and your clients will have a copy of the signed Purchase Order form. An online version of the document also makes for a good backup – should you ever need it. Try eSign out for free!

Yes, a purchase order and an invoice are different documents used at different stages of a business transaction. Purchase orders are initiated by the buyer as an agreement of products or services to be purchased. An invoice is issued by the seller after fulfilling the purchase order.

Yes, purchase order forms can be customized to meet your business’s specific needs. You can add your company logo, include additional fields for tracking purposes, or incorporate any other information relevant to your ordering process.

Using purchase order forms can help streamline the purchasing process, reduce errors, and improve accountability. They provide a clear record of transactions, help prevent over-ordering, and allow for better budgeting and financial planning.